Silicon Carbide Burner Nozzles

IPS Ceramics' Silicon Carbide Burner Nozzles

Product Overview

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IPS Ceramics’ Silicon Carbide Burner Nozzles are used in industrial burners, offering improved temperature uniformity and increased control within your kilns / furnaces.

In any industrial heating process, perhaps the most critical aim is to provide a carefully controlled temperature profile within the kiln or furnace. Whether the fuel is natural gas, LPG or oil, the location of the burners is a potential hot spot within the kiln. Burner flames can be long enough to contact the product or kiln furniture, causing very severe overheating that is damaging to both. Even when the exposed flame is kept at a safe distance, direct radiant heating can cause localised overheating of products and subsequent quality problems.

Burners that use silicon carbide tubes offer several advantages:

  • The tube forms a chamber within which most of the combustion takes place. Only a minimal amount of flame is directly exposed to the kiln load, almost eliminating radiant hot spots.
  • The tube exit is normally tapered to increase exhaust velocities. Greater velocities improve mixing within the kiln, improving temperature uniformity.
  • Greater exhaust velocities also increase the entrainment of the kiln atmosphere from around the burner, diluting the hot exhaust stream and ensuring rapid energy transfer.

IPS Ceramics offers Silicon Carbide Burner Nozzles in a range of bespoke sizes designed to match your existing kiln burners. We recommend the use of Silicon-Infiltrated Silicon Carbide (SiSiC/RBSiC) for most kilns and furnaces working below 1350 °C / 2500 °F. We can offer Recrystalised Silicon Carbide (RSiC) for applications working at higher temperatures. We also offer Silicon Carbide Burner Cans and Combustion Cans (see the photo gallery).


Silicon Carbide Tubes and Beams
Typical Physical Properties
SiSiC/RBSiC (Silicon Infiltrated) RSiC (Recrystalised)
Max Usage Temp. 1350 °C / 2450 °F 1650 °C / 3000 °F
Bulk Density 3.1 g/cm³ 2.7 g/cm³
Open Porosity < 0.5 % 15 %
MoR @ Room Temp. 250 MPa 90 MPa
Thermal Conductivity 45 W/mK 25 W/mK
Thermal Expansion 20-1000°C 4.5 x10-6/K 4.8 x10-6/K
SiC > 90 % > 99 %
Si (Metal) 10 %

All figures are typical figures determined using laboratory test pieces and might not always be an accurate representation of production item.




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